Is it always as good as it sounds?
Do careful research if you are tempted to use one of the many "no win no fee" people out there. Their fees can actually be huge, and you may find most of the money goes to your representative. In their defence, "no win no fee" advocates rightly claim they only get paid if they get you some compensation.
They like to point out that lawyers getting paid a fixed hourly rate have an incentive to draw matters out. This is a valid point, but makes no mention of the incentive for a "no win no fee" advocate to grab the best deal going, as quick as possible - so that they get paid!
Do your homework!
To get you going read these articles below…
See this article about 'guerrilla tactics" and unethical behaviour used by advocates.
Andrew Cadenhead is an ACC advocate who won a great payout for his client, of $84,797.00. He then took all of that in his fees, because his client signed a contract agreeing to that. His client complained, and got a 50% reduction of fees. Which means the client paid $42,389.50 in fees to her "no win no fee" advocate.